
ESA TransFormer™

因應文件電子化的趨勢,簡化將紙本文件傳真至電子郵件或網路資料夾歸檔的文件管理流程。透過Abbyy FineReader文字辨識引擎,提供高辨識率的文件轉換解決方案。


  • 簡單上手的操作介面,可輕鬆將紙本文件轉換成可搜尋及編輯的電子文件檔案。
  • 可以辨識13種語言文字,包含繁體中文, 簡體中文,英文等, 並且支援包含可搜尋的PDF等13種電子檔案格式。
  • 直接於多功能事務機上選擇欲轉換的檔案格式,以及設定寄送到電子郵件、電腦上的或是網路資料夾。
  • 透過Zone(區塊) OCR文字辨識技術,可掃描文件的特定區域,方便設定檔案&文件名稱&存取metadata。
  • 一台多功能事務機只需要一套解決方案,可供多位使用者使用,有效節省成本。

RICOH ESA TransFormer

Scanning with RICOH ESA TransFormer improves your productivity by taking paper documents and creating editable electronic files. Documents in languages including Thai and simplified Chinese can be scanned into a wide range of popular file formats from Microsoft Word, searchable PDF, Web HTML and XML. Digital files are automatically saved to network directories, emailed or both. Save popular settings for quick access.

  1. Multiple language support
    The Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software works with manylanguages, including Thai and simplified Chinese
  2. More file formats to choose from
    Microsoft Word, Excel, TXT, TIFF, JPG, Adobe PDF, Web HTML and manymore formats are available
  3. Customisable convenience
    Create default settings for most common file formats as well as destination,single or multi-page output
  4. Easy to install
    Installed and configured straight onto your multifunction device by our trainedengineers